LIFT-UP Preterm: Celebrating the successes along the way of the TREOCAPA study!

With the aim to improve the health and development of very preterm infants, the TREOCAPA study has taken the next major step in its clinical trial. A total of 804 participants were recruited from 50 neonatal centres in 16 European countries.

TREOCAPA investigates whether paracetamol is a suitable drug to prevent complications due to the ductus arteriosus in preterm infants, as this small vessel has a great impact on the newborn’s blood flow.

When the participants turn two years old, LIFT-UP Preterm project (part of RECAP Preterm) will proudly support the study in the follow-up of participants from across Europe. We cannot wait to see our participants grow into healthy toddlers!



The RECAP preterm platform promotes collaborative research by pooling data from very preterm cohorts and provides exciting opportunities to generate new knowledge about the consequences of preterm birth.

The project partners created 11 interesting Modules to provide you with an overview of very preterm cohorts and collaborative research principles and techniques.

Access the E-Learning course via this website to learn more about the RECAP preterm platform and project.



The RECAP Preterm Data Platform

Here you can access the heart of RECAP Preterm:
our data platform. At the moment, there are 27 individual studies, 101 collected datasets and 13,716 individual study variables available.

If you would like to have more information, please get in contact!

Our vision

Improve health, development and quality of life of babies born preterm

Although very preterm or very low weight births constitute fewer than 2% of all births across Europe, they account for up to half of perinatal and infant deaths, children with impairments and disabilities and more than a third of the health and educational budgets for children.

In addition to the increased risk for physical impairments, babies born the earliest and the smallest are also at higher risks of psychological and social problems than infants born at term. The RECAP preterm Project aims to understand the causes of these difficulties faced by very preterm children and adults in order to improve the health, development and quality of life of these individuals.

Why is this important?

A strong and unique network

Extensive cohort studies and the collation of large amounts of data

The key to finding the causes as well as the treatment and prevention options for preterm babies lies in extensive cohort studies and the optimal use of large amounts of data on very preterm children. The RECAP preterm Project aims at using these two elements to discover new pre- and postnatal risk factors.

In order to reach this goal, we have established the RECAP preterm Cohort Platform, a unique and powerful network of experts from various disciplines as well as parent and patient organizations. The network includes the major longitudinal studies in Europe and around the world and assembled massive amounts of data that will reflect broad geographic, cultural and health system diversity.

Learn more