Scientific and Policy Advisory Board

The Scientific and Policy Advisory Board was composed of recognized experts from the public and private sector and various disciplines. The board monitored the scientific progress of the project, provided comments and advised the General Assembly and the Executive Board on the go/no go decisions of the project and on any other issues if required. It was specifically consulted on innovation management and on ethical issues through the independent ethics expert. The board members were invited for the project meetings and have full (and confidential) access to the project documentation.

Five renowned experts from the relevant scientific fields of RECAP preterm had agreed to be part of the RECAP preterm Scientific and Policy Advisory Board (SPAB):

  1. Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn, President of ASPHER (Association of Schools of Public Health of the European Region)
  2. Prof. Dr. Ronald Stolk, Professor in clinical epidemiology and director Research Data & Biobanking at the University Medical Centre Groningen. He is an internationally recognized expert in biobank/cohort studies and related Big Data in Health Moreover and actively involved in European and worldwide e-infrastructure and biobank projects.
  3. Tonse N. K. Raju, MD, DCH, Chief, Pregnancy, Perinatology Branch; Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 2089
  4. Boris Filipović-Grčić, neonatologist, Head of department of neonatal intensive care, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb, School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia
  5. Prof. Emmanuel Lesaffre, Professor in Biostatistics; L-Biostat, School of Public Health, KULeuven University of Leuven, Belgium.