E-Learning Course – Overview

Collaborative Research on Very Preterm Birth:

Concepts and Methods – Working with the RECAP Preterm Data Platform

Welcome to the RECAP E-Learning course. We are happy that you are interested in this unique scientific programme.

Discover the RECAP E-Learning course: Learn about different cohorts of children and adults born very preterm or with very low birth weight, new research studies using the combined data of these cohorts from the RECAP preterm platform, and their findings on the consequences of very preterm birth. The E-Learning course also provides information and guidance on how to implement a collaborative research protocol, including the ethical and legal requirements, data harmonisation, the technological aspects of storing and sharing data, and analytic approaches and software.

If you have any questions regarding the E-Learning course, please don´t hesitate to contact the Project Management Office via the contact form on this website.

We wish you an interesting and successful course!

Your RECAP preterm team

Before you start, we would like to give you some organisational tips to facilitate your participation in the E-Learning course:

You will find the following sections on the RECAP Preterm E-Learning course:

  • A short video highlighting the core objectives and goals of the RECAP preterm project.
  • Eleven different modules of about one hour each. Each module includes several presentations animated by various speakers.

Interested to use content of the E-Learning course? Please contact the Project Management Office via the contact form on this website.

Thank you for your understanding.

Although you are free to decide which modules and which presentations you want to watch first, we suggest following the order given by the numbers (e.g. 1 – 11). This makes it easier for you to understand the context and the interrelationship of the single lessons. You may, of course, choose to watch each presentation as often as you want.

Terms and conditions – RECAP preterm E-Learning course

1. Scope and purpose

1.1. These Terms and Conditions of Use govern the use of the RECAP Preterm E-Learning course by its participants.

1.2. The purpose of the RECAP preterm E-Learning course is to provide, through online lectures and presentations, an overview of very preterm cohorts and collaborative research principles and techniques allowing the participants to learn about existing very preterm cohorts in Europe, new research on children and adults born very preterm based on pooled data, and how to implement a collaborative research protocol.

1.3. The RECAP preterm E-Learning course is a result of the H2020 project RECAP preterm. Therefore it is organized and offered by the RECAP preterm consortium members.

1.4. The RECAP Preterm E-Learning course is targeted to researchers in the fields of neonatology epidemiology or psychology who wish to learn about cohorts and registers or other researchers with particular interest in using the RECAP preterm platform of very preterm birth cohorts for research.

2. Conditions of access and use

2.1. The RECAP Preterm E-Learning course is free of access and charge.

2.2. By registering, the participant declares that he/she understood and accepted the following conditions and legal information relating to the access and use of the RECAP Preterm E-Learning course.

2.3. To access the E-Learning modules the participants require a PC/laptop or tablet and a high-speed internet connection. The use of a smartphone is not recommended.

3. E-Learning modules content

The modules contain several videos with various speakers displayed on a dedicated Youtube channel, imbedded in the RECAP Preterm E-Learning course webpage. In order to watch a video, a message will alert the participant of the need to accept YouTube cookies. YouTube has its own cookie and privacy policies over which the RECAP Preterm E-Learning course has no control. There is no installation of cookies from YouTube until the participant consents to YouTube cookies.

4. Liability and warranty

4.1. The RECAP Preterm E-Learning course assumes no responsibility and makes no warranty as to the functioning and use of the website, namely, that it will be permanently and continuously available and free of errors or faults, or that any errors will be rectified.

4.2. The RECAP Preterm E-Learning course is not responsible for references made and links to third-party websites and the use made of the respective contents. Access to and use of such websites and contents is at the participants’ own risk. The RECAP Preterm E-Learning course explicitly states that they have no influence on the design, content or offerings of linked-to pages. Responsibility for information and services provided by linked-to websites lies entirely with the third party in question. No responsibility whatsoever is accepted for such websites.

5. Data Protection

5.1. Based on the GDPR and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, everyone has the right to privacy and the protection against misuse of their personal data.

5.2. Regarding the cookie policy, please see point 3. and the information provided by RECAP preterm at https://recap-preterm.eu/privacy-policy/.

6. Copyright, property rights and rights of use

All intellectual property rights pertaining to or included on the RECAP preterm E-Learning course content are the exclusive property of the RECAP preterm consortium. Any unauthorised reproduction and/or use is prohibited, unless prior written permission has been granted to you by the RECAP preterm consortium.

7. Final provisions

7.1. The RECAP preterm E-Learning course reserves the right to amend or add to the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, given that the law and the rights of the copyright owners are fully respected. Any new conditions will be made public on this website and will be deemed to have been accepted by clicking on the links of the E-Learning modules.

7.2. Should one provision of the Terms and Conditions of Use be invalid or inoperative, the other provisions thereof shall not be affected.

7.3. Belgium Law shall apply subject to any divergent mandatory provisions of European Union Law.

7.4. If the participant has any questions about the Terms and Conditions of Use they should send the question via the contact form on this website.

The E-Learning course will provide you with an overview of very preterm cohorts and collaborative research principles and techniques. Through a mixture of online lectures and presentations, you will learn about existing very preterm cohorts in Europe, new research on children and adults born very preterm based on pooled data, and how to implement a collaborative research protocol – including the ethical and legal requirements, procedures for harmonising data, the technological aspects of storing and sharing data, and analytic approaches and software.

The E-learning course will be available in a proper section within the main RECAP preterm website. You can know more about the privacy policy of the main RECAP preterm website at: https://recap-preterm.eu/privacy-policy/.

No personal data will be collected or processed during the use of the E-Learning course.



Cookies are small files that a browser stores on the visitors’ computer or mobile device.

We will upload several videos with speakers’ presentations on YouTube. You can watch these videos directly on our webpage. However, YouTube has its own cookie and privacy policies over which we have no control.

Furthermore, given that the E-Learning course will be run through RECAP preterm website, the corresponding cookie policy also applies. You can know more about the cookies policy of the main RECAP preterm website at: https://recap-preterm.eu/privacy-policy/.



The RECAP preterm members may be required to amend this Policy, namely due to the need to adapt it to possible legal changes or to recommendations by Supervisory Authorities, which it is recommended its consultation regularly.