Early Career Researchers (ECR) Group
Research into European Children and Adults born Preterm (RECAP Preterm) Early Career Researchers (ECR) group
Mission / purpose statement
To facilitate collaboration between RECAP Preterm Early Career Researchers working to improve outcomes of children and adults born preterm.

Aims and goals
The RECAP Preterm Early Career Researchers (ECR) group is an international network of individuals in the early stages of their career with an interest in research related to preterm birth. The group is multidisciplinary in nature, comprising individuals with medical, psychological, epidemiological, technical, statistical, legal and other backgrounds, and belonging to a broad range of academic, governmental, non-governmental and other institutions. The principal goals are to facilitate the sharing of knowledge pertinent to the study of preterm birth and its consequences, provide academic support to each other, and to permit networking and provide opportunities for academic collaboration and mutual support. The RECAP Preterm ECR group achieved these goals through regular face-to-face meetings and teleconferences, as well as using a discussion list to share information and ideas and maintain contact. Please click here to contact us.
You can follow our updates on social media with #recappreterm.