Project Summary

Very preterm (VPT) or very low birth weight  (VLBW) births account for up to half of perinatal and infant deaths, children with impairments and disabilities and more than a third of the health and educational budgets for children across Europe.

The overall aim of the RECAP preterm Project is to improve the health, development and quality of life of these children and adults by developing the RECAP preterm Cohort Platform, a sustainable, geographically diverse and multidisciplinary database of national and European cohorts of babies born very preterm or with very low birth weight (VPT/ VLBW cohorts). This network contains cohorts constituted over a 30 year time span and is designed to optimize the use of population data for research and innovation in healthcare, social and education policy.

We developed novel methodologies and tools for data management and analysis to strengthen research on current and future VPT/VLBW cohorts. The establishment of this collaborative European platform, implemented by a consortium of multidisciplinary experts, enables us to take current knowledge, research methods and tools as well as translation into practice beyond the current state of the art. This benefits VPT/VLBW children, their families and society.

Learn more

Project brochure

Policy brief

The following animated video gives a quick overview on the RECAP preterm project and the new cohort platform: