Module 08

Whole countries as cohorts – Nordic registers as tools to assess long-term outcomes of preterm birth

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1. Introduction to the course, learning goals

YouTube video



Petteri Hovi

Duration: 4min


This course consists of ppt-presentations and videoclips. To complete the course, attend the general exam of the online Summer School

Learning goals

  • To know what the course consists of
  • To know from what angle is presenter will enter the scene   
  • To have an overview on learning goals in each presentation


YouTube video

Interview with Eero Kajantie, Prof., National Institute for Health and Welfare THL, Project Leader

Duration: 10min





2. Registry-based research in the Nordic countries

YouTube video



Eero Kajantie, Prof.

Signe Opdahl, Assoc. Professor

Duration: 14min


Overview of what characterizes health registries in the Nordic countries and how data from registries can be used in health research, including some advantages and limitations.

Learning goals

  • Learn why this is important
  • Time needed to prepare – Challenges
  • Time needed to perform – Success stories
  • Details presented in other videos
  • Be able to describe what a health registry is and give some examples
  • Describe major strengths and limitations of registry data in health research


3.Register data in the Nordic RECAP partners

YouTube video



Johanna Metsälä, PhD, Anna Pulakka, PhD, others

Duration: 8min


We will briefly present the register data available in the RECAP project in the four Nordic countries. Some special characteristics of the data available in each country are also presented along with sources for further information.

Learning goals

  • To be aware of the differences in the register data in different countries
  • To know sources for further information of the special features of the register data in different countries

4. Performing a research project, from scratch to publication

YouTube video



Josephine Funck Bilsteen, Phd student

Duration: 10min


5. Case study: adding register data to a cohort study

YouTube video



Anna Pulakka, PhD,

Duration: 8min


A practical overview of adding register data to a cohort study using the ADHD study as an example.  

Learning goals

  • To identify register data as a possibility for expanding analyses in certain study questions.
  • To understand what needs to be taken into consideration when adding register data to a cohort study.


6. Register-based studies on Premature Children

YouTube video



Mika Gissler

Duration: 12min


History and usefulness of registers on the newborn in the Nordic countries.

Learning goals

  • To get information on the registration of newborns, including data collection on congenital anomalies
  • To familiarise on the content of perinatal databases
  • To understand the usefulness and prerequisites for their use in research on preterm children