Module 11

Collaborative working and the RECAP Preterm PlatformEarly Career Researchers: the extreme preterm demonstration project

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YouTube video

Interview with Andrei Morgan, Dr., Early Career Researchers

Duration: 12min

1. Module introduction and overview of putting together a project

YouTube video



Andrei Morgan, Dr.

Duration: 2min


Introductory presentation, highlighting the demonstration project that will be discussed in this module, and providing links to some additional resources

Learning goals

  • Understand the layout of this module


2. Interview about demo project

YouTube video



Julia N. Doetsch, Andrei S. Morgan, Dr., Helen Collins, Dr., Gonçalo Gonçalves, Josephine Bilsteen, Dr.,

Duration: 18min


Julia interviews Andrei, Helen, Gonçalo and Josephine about their involvement in the WP7 “extreme preterm birth” demonstration project that is being conducted using the RECAP Preterm Platform

Learning goals

  • What the demonstration project is about and why it was chosen
  • Collaborative working practices
  • Importance and difficulties of harmonisation
  • FAIR data
  • Benefits of cohorts
  • Benefits of Register data


3. Harmonisation for the EPT demo Project

YouTube video



Helen Collins, Dr.,

Duration: 7min


An overview of how the study populations were assessed and harmonised for the EPT demo project, the iterative development of harmonised variable definitions and how we identified cohort variables for the project using the RECAP Preterm Data Platform

Learning goals

  • How we defined the populations for each analysis​
  • How harmonised variable definitions were developed​
  • How we identified cohort variables for harmonisation


4. Harmonisation on the RECAP Preterm Data Platform

YouTube video



Gonçalo Gonçalves

Duration: 17min


A brief overview of the RECAP Preterm data platform and how it can be used for harmonisation of data across multiple nodes

Learning goals

  • Overview of the RECAP Preterm data platform
  • Harmonisation across multiple RECAP nodes


5. Federated analysis using the RECAP Preterm Platform

YouTube video



Andrei Morgan, Dr.,

Duration: 42min


This presentation shows a worked example of using the RECAP Preterm Platform for federated data analysis. The “DataSHIELD” approach to analysis is compared to routine analysis in R, with similarities and differences in the methods highlighted.

Learning goals

  • Steps required to implement a “DataSHIELD” analysis on the RECAP Preterm Platform
  • Differences in the use of R for federated analyses
  • Statistical considerations for working with federated data
  • Variable naming scheme for harmonised data


6. Registers

YouTube video



Josephine Funck Bilsteen, Dr.,

Duration: 8min


7. Interview about learning from demonstration project

YouTube video



Julia N. Doetsch, Andrei S. Morgan, Dr., Helen Collins, Dr., Gonçalo Gonçalves, Josephine Bilsteen, Dr.

Duration: 7min


Julia interviews Andrei, Helen, Gonçalo and Josephine again about what they learnt from working together to carry out the demonstration project

Learning goals

  • Experiences of using the RECAP Preterm Platform
  • Benefits of working together
  • How to start new collaborative projects in the future.


8. Module summary

YouTube video



Julia N. Doetsch

Duration: 4min


Summary presentation, highlighting the learning points of this module.

Learning goals

  • Understand the different stages involved in putting together a project
  • Why collaborative working is important