Public Deliverables
Deliverable D1.1 “Go-online of the project website’s intranet (password-protected)”
RECAP preterm has a password protected area (logins distributed to all partners in March 2017), which is available to all RECAP preterm colleagues. It serves as a central storage, includes a progress monitoring tool and contains a directory of all RECAP preterm colleagues to facilitate easy communication across the project.
Deliverable D2.1 “The establishment of the EAHL-IAB interest group on governance of research”
This deliverable describes the actions taken to align with others who work on governance of research to share developments and work in progress. WP2 organised a seminar on this topic at the bi-annual conference of the EAHL in Bergen and the WP2 lead became member of the Code of Conduct drafting group.
Deliverable D3.2 “Report of cohort descriptions to aid future research”
This deliverable describes the characteristics of the cohorts participating in RECAP Preterm. We start by outlining our inventory process for documenting the characteristics of the cohorts, followed by a description of the cohorts.
Deliverable D5.2 “Workshop for project members on conceptual framework”
This Deliverable 5.2 (D5.2) of the RECAP project describes the WP5 “Statistical methods for Individual Patient Data (IPD): Conceptual Framework” workshop that took place on the 4th and 5th of September, in Leiden, the Netherlands.
Deliverable D5.3 “R package for harmonisation of VPT data”
Deliverable 5.3 reports work done to implement the mice R-package for multiple imputation for federated analysis in the DataSHIELD environment adopted by the RECAP project.
In this deliverable we evaluate how well adult IQ for very low birth weight infants can be predicted by early neonatal factors, early socio-environmental factors and child IQ assessment.
Deliverable D10.1 “Go-online of the public project website and project brochure and factsheet”
The RECAP preterm website went online on 30 April 2017.
Deliverable D10.2 “Translation of Research into Practice”
This deliverable describes the work done with the aim to sustainably translate the findings of RECAP preterm into practice (e.g. organisation of a workshop “translating research into practice” and development of a policy brief, considering the learnings, experiences and outcome of the project).
Deliverable D10.3 “Guidelines for quality assurance registers finalised”
This document comprises recommendations and suggestions for quality assurance registers concerning people born very preterm (VPT; below 32 weeks of gestational age) or with a very low birth weight (VLBW; below 1,500 g). It represents a summary and essence of deliverables of several particular work packages within the RECAP preterm project.
Deliverable D10.4 “Winter or Summer School”
The training was planned to take place as a five-day workshop between 28 November – 3rd December 2020. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Steering Committee decided to change the format from a face-to-face training meeting to an e-learning event.
Deliverable D10.5 “Final report on dissemination activities”
The basis of the dissemination activities on RECAP preterm were the identified target group and a planning of respective outreach tools. Aim of the outreach strategy was to create a maximum of attention and awareness for the project, its aims, milestones and results. The different stakeholders should gain an increased understanding of the participating partners, cohorts and the benefits and use of the RECAP preterm Cohort Platform.
Deliverable D10.6 “Project Brochure”
The RECAP preterm project brochure was developed at the end of the project, considering the learnings, experiences and outcome of the project, and particularly the RECAP preterm Cohort Platform.