University of Antwerp

Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine
Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerpen
Project Leader

Project Staff

Prof Dr. emeritus Patrick Van Reempst MD PhD
Antwerpen, Belgium
Phone number: 0495 568287
Institution Portrait
The University of Antwerp is a young, dynamic, internationally oriented university, founded in 2003 through a merger of three higher education institutions. In 2016, the University of Antwerp ranked 11th in the Times Higher Education 150 Under 50’ ranking of the world’s top 150 universities under 50 years of age. The University has 20,367 students, of which 16% are international students from 116 nationalities. The RECAP project will be executed by the departments of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, and Primary & Interdisciplinary Care – unit Disability Studies of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. The research activities of the Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine cover public health and epidemiological research in global, European and local setting using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. The unit of Disability Studies does research on prevention and follow up of disability and has participated in several European projects.