University of Leicester

Department of Health Sciences
University Road
Project Leader

Project Staff

Institution Portrait
The team is based within the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Leicester. The Department of Health Sciences is one of five Departments within the College of Medicine, Biological Sciences and Psychology whose research mission is to understand and improve population health through international quality research and teaching, encompassing determinants of health, interventions in policy and practice, and methodological development.
The University of Leicester team comprises Professor Elizabeth Draper, Dr Samantha Johnson and Dr Bradley Manktelow, who run The Infant Mortality and Morbidity Studies (TIMMS) Group. TIMMS is a collaborative multi-disciplinary research group with expertise in epidemiology, statistics, neonatology, developmental psychology and database application development. TIMMS has an internationally renowned programme of research that aims to investigate the causes, consequences, and management of morbidity and mortality of the fetus, infant, and child in order to influence policy and practice in reproductive, perinatal and paediatric medicine and education.
Elizabeth Draper is a Professor of Perinatal and Paediatric Epidemiology, whose research portfolio encompasses epidemiological studies of perinatal and infant mortality, neonatal & paediatric intensive care and congenital anomalies with a particular emphasis on the national and international standardisation of data collection.
Samantha Johnson is a Reader in Developmental Psychology. Her research programme is centered around understanding and improving lifelong outcomes following preterm birth and which she investigates through longitudinal cohort studies and randomised trials of perinatal interventions.
Bradley Manktelow is an Associate Professor in Medical Statistics. His interests include the statistical issues arising from research in neonatal and paediatric medicine and follow-up.
For further information about the TIMMS research group, please see